3 Ways Husbands Can Help Their Wives Become Better Spouses

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Married men have a God-given chance to help their wives bloom and become the people God wants them to become.

In an earlier article I wrote about how wives can help their husbands grow in Christ, I noted that pastors aren’t the only people who can help individuals grow in Christ – wives can help their husbands grow in their faith in the Lord too.

The same goes for any husband. Gentlemen, we should love our wives the way Christ did so that they may grow in Him. And when they do, we can expect to see an even more wonderful spouse and partner.

Guys, do you want to help your wife become a better spouse? Here are some practical ways to do that.

1) Love her the way Christ did

Guys, there’s no circumventing this. If we want our wives to be a better spouse, we’ve got to become better husbands, the Christ-like kind of husband that God wants us to be.

Let’s follow what Ephesians 5:25-28 tells us:

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for it, that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, and that He might present to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish. In this way men ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.”

2) Take good care of her

Gentlemen, we should strive to care for our wives. Often, men complain about nagging wives. Why do they nag anyway? Have we taken a good look at ourselves to see our failures and shortcomings? Let’s honestly ask ourselves:

  • Do we earn enough to provide for all the needs of our wives and kids?
  • Do we do our best to make sure she feels secure financially, emotionally, and socially in relation to us?
  • Do we proactively protect our marriage against destructive problems such as extramarital affairs?
  • Do we speak blessing and life to our wives?
  • Do we treat our wives well?

Guys, also keep in mind that God will hold you to account for the way you treat your wife. While God is our Father, He is also Father to our wives. I love how Dr. Doug Weiss, in an article in Charisma, tells us to see God as our wife’s Father and our Father-in-law. He expects us to treat His daughter well.

3) Give her room to excel – even exceed us – in what has designed and called her for

Gentlemen, it’s an honor to be married to the woman that God gave to us. It’s important that we allow our wives to grow in the area that God called them to.

Let’s consider one of the most notable couples in the New Testament: Priscilla and Aquila (see Acts 18). Priscilla is believed to be the one that’s more prominent, but Aquila doesn’t seem to mind.

By JB Cachila
